Marie Nagel

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Now on display

  • Marie has four paintings in a group show of the Al Frescoes Plein Air Painters at Coast Collective gallery in Metchosin from March 4-15.

  • The Two Rivers Art Gallery in Prince George is hosting its 8th annual live art auction on May 2nd, 2015 and Marie's painting Obstacles will be among the donated art works that will be sold in this fund-raising auction. The gallery will produce a full colour auction catalogue, and host a preview exhibition through April prior to the auction. Details at

  • Some of Marie's paintings are on display at the The Breeze Gold and Gallery in Quesnel, B.C.

Art rental

By appointment

It is sometimes possible to view select paintings by appointment in Victoria.
Contact Marie if you would like to request a private viewing.


Obstacles is up for auction at Two Rivers Gallery.

Afternoon Light in Ashcroft

Afternoon Light in Ashcroft.